22 Feb 09
Well, been busy with my new job. . By the time I went back home was already tire. . So. . sori ya..
Dear called me tis morning at about 10am to wake me up coz we are going to collect our Samsung 22' TV. . It was a free gift from purchased Samsung 40" TV. . But so stupid that why we hav to collect the tv ourselves. .
So we went to Bencoolen Street to collect it. Den dear need to rush for work after that. .
I've took a while nap after lunch and after tried to install the tv on myself in my bedroom. . Den went to in law's house for dinner and back home. .
Tire and wanna rest liao. . But dun worry I will blog the few last day happening when I'm free ya. .
Nite. .
Shi Qi
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Our Valentine Daz
We went to ML for passing my claims and took my clinic's receipt for amended the date. Dear drove after that. . We den come back again to pass the receipt to KL.
Den we went for our bf. . According to my itinerary.

Dear wanna to eat prawn noodle nearby Jackson Hawker Centre and we went.

Half way got a call from ML HR that dear's hp bill cant be claims but only mine. . PENGZ!! At first she is the one who said can. . No choice, got to find other receipt to claim or to buy electronics thing. . Dear suggest that we can buy the fan to replace since it was spoil.
After the bf, we still got plenty of times becoz we actually came out early. So dear was suggested that we go and see the fan. . We went to Aljunied Gain City but it had been closed down. . OMG!! So we went to Court at Tampines. .
Sighh!! Didnt managed to find any too. . So we just walk walk to see those TV la, laptop bag etc. .
Going to be 12pm soon, hence we proceed to TM for movie. . Dear was actually can guessing what is my itinerary le. . Coz while he was trying to see the map of how to go to Spa Vintage while my itinerary was putting there and I was busy talking to KL. . I think he got bio my itinerary.
Nvm . . Dear was so sweet to me through out the whole day. . And lucky he didnt watch the show that I've booked which is UnderWorld. .
After movie, we proceed to Spa Vintage. . Lucky, it is not hard to get there. .
The gal was accidently to show out the cost and dear bio it again. . He was telling me it is very expensive. .
To me, I dun mind the costs as long as dear is happy with it and we will enjoy the whole thing. . The most impt thing is, I can be with my dear. . I felt so happy that all my memories have been back to us. . Wondered did he have the same feeling as me too. .
We do the scrub, Hydrobath, Massage and Facial together in a couple suite. I play a speech during the Hydrobath. . Actually I done a slide to show out to him.. Did he felt touching??
** Slide can be found here
This is only the video clip. . Done by powerpoint is much more nicer. .
After the Spa, it's going to be 6pm. . We felt hungry le. . I've actually arranged to go to Nihon Muza for dinner. . But however, dear said there will a jam there. . Why not we go and try the Laksa Steamboat den since I neva make any booking. (** note that is not that I neva make any booking, coz we only 2 persons and the restaurant said dun hav to do that.)
So alright, we went for the Laksa Steamboat for our dinner nearby Harbourfront there.

We actually dun wanna to order much coz dear noe I only can ate a little nia. . Haaha. .
Ate half way dunno why suddenly felt so full sia. . Must be the coconut play the trick. . Make out stomach bloated. We nearly cant finished the thing. .
Finally dear dear finished all. . We shall take out leave. The bill was only cost us about $19.60. It is cheap right?? And we can have it until so full sia. .
After dinner, we actually wanted to go for bowling but after that neva. Coz fully booked. Den we went home for a bath and going to Bedok intercharge to fetch Ming Ming. We bath together and we. . Haaha. .
Dear want me to stay at in law's house. . I've already pack my stuffs. . But unfortunate, when we reached there, we saw Er jie was there, so late liao and we guess she will stay put there. . Hence I go home lor. . Pengz!! In the end, she went home. . Wat a waste. . But indeed I'm having a good times with dear dear. . Thank you. .
Shi Qi
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Day 94
I cooked bf for kids den when wanna drive them to school, saw dear dear coming. . He took my things from office up home and we drive kids to school together. .
Den we come back home together. . He took his bf(Ban mian) and cant finished so he left it for mi. He bought 3 bags total but kids neva take. .
After his bf he went to toilet. Fan dunno why suddenly got sound and he tried to put some WD40.
After that he lie on bed a while. He hugz me. Den he said "Can hugz closer?" (Coz in between got blanket) Den he asked " U wan?" haha. . And we start. .
He suddenly said "Die le, I've fall in love with u again." I heard it but too soft. Den I replied "Huh??" Den he stop it liao and said nothing. . Sigh. .
I got 2 interviews todaz. . Wanna to get some slp after dear went for work but cant and keep on disturb by phone call.
One interview is BillyHouse, that Dong Fang Billy. . Another one is from Agency. . I hope can sucessful of getting a job fast. But I pity Gary the most. Coz his baby just born, only wife working, he also just bought a car. . Now jobless. . omg, dunno how he can handle. . And I gets to msn him todaz and find out his nanny dun wanna take care of his baby due to $$. He heard tat someone offer her much more den him . .How can like tat le, they are still relative le. . Really pity him hor. .
So I offer him if he need to go for interview I can help him to take care of his baby temp. After interview den come back and fetch her again . . I really pity him . . Guess his wife also not as supportive too. . So if I can help I will help. . Who noe one daz I might need ppl to help me too right. .
Okie .. Got to rest liao. . Tml stil got to wake up early. . Go ML to take my claim. Stupid clinic chop wrong date and coz me cant claim. *angry*
Shi Qi
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Day 93
In the morning, when I saw Gary's msn nick stated "Any job to recommend?" I still telling him that he is so daring. . Den I msn KL abt his nick and gets to know that he was being retrenched ytd. I felt so sad when I gets to know more and more ppl also kena retrenched too. . Like Jin Mei, Minah, Angeline, Madeline and Vivienne. Of coz myself. . I only gets to know todaz.
When I've being called to HR, I've guess so. . But Why me?? I keep onz asking this question. .
Well, they only compensate me abt 9k plus. . So many ppl cried for me like Judy, Siew Min, KL also sad. . The rests of the lunch khaki also felt sad for us. . *sad*
Hubby come and fetch me, at first KL wanna me to hav one last lunch first b4 going off but den hubby need to go for work. . We still got a gathering on 21 of Yan's housewarming. .
I felt sad and worry abt jobless. . I scare of all my financial issue . . Wat if I can find a job by these few days how? Market are bad. . Hard to get a good job. .
Hubby scare me will anything think at home so he suggest I got to in law's house. . Over there I send out alot of resume. . But other den tat, I felt lost, nothing to do.
I sms dear telling him I'm lonely, cant get to slp and worry and he replied me that sleep early ba, tml we get to have bf together. *wink*
But still, I cant get to slp till abt 2 plus. . Keep onz forcing myself. . And edit the slideshow for Friday. . of coz booking the movie tkt as well, after Friday, I think I should be save all my $$ liao. . :(
Shi Qi
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Day 92
So I take mc for the day. .
I nuan at home for the whole day. . I called dear but he didnt answer. . I sms him that Im not feeling well. . But it took him some times to call me back. .
So me at home doing some blogging and edit the video clip. . At the same time I saw the sun was really good, so I took out the bed for some sunlight. . Abit of dirty le. .
Sleep again for a while during the noon time. . I asked kids to come home themselves coz me still felt a bit of dizzy. .
Still waiting for them . .
Shi Qi
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Day 91
Sian to go work. . But bobian got to do validation. .
Den I think of a plan to celebrate our Valentine Daz. .
Attached is my Itinerary. .

I done a slideshow too. . Will post it in photo album. . That was to be play when we are in Hydrobath.
How isit?? Nice mah?? Hope dear dear will love it. I notices that dear dun really want me to buy him any prezie. So I make some special surprise for him instead.
We only can celebrate on 13 Feb coz is my dear dear's off day. Sat he got to work morning shift.
Dear dear wanna bio what I'm doing at Ming ming's com but I hide here and there. . Just wanna give him a surprise mah. .
We didnt managed to talk much. . My leg pain becoz of the new red shoes that I've bought at Mlhyosis. . But still got to walk back and drive redtimo there to fetch the kids. .
Nothing muck for the daz. . Tire liao. .
Shi Qi
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Day 88
Morning time I went to Tampines for bf with Ah min and Xmh. . Den to shop before going to office. . Coz last day nothing to do mah, and also compensate our longer hours for previous daz.
While waiting for the bus, I gave dear a call but missed. And he return call to me when I was abt to aboard on the bus. He asked where am I? I told him I was abt to go Tampine for bf with my colleagues den to shop for a while. He asked "Not travel by car meh?" I told him arent u heard the bus's sound meh? Joker!!
He said so enjoy hor, go there for bf. I told him ytd I jio u but u are sleeping. . So wat to do. . Hehe..
When I reached office I gave him a call again report to him tat I've reached office.
Todaz really nothing much to do. Only Hungary side got 2 last journals but waited till 5pm only got a journal came in. I was abt to scare tat I cant go off on time. I rang up to dear telling him tat if I cant be able to take transport back, he can come and fetch me mah. Den he said isit I going to felt "suan" of letting ppl fetching me. Pengz!! WTF!!
But lucky, Adrienn email me tat she asked me to go home. She will do the outstanding at her side. . *happy*
When I reach in law house. . Dear was at home. He is abt to bring son son for a hair cut. Den I went for dinner den home sweet home with kids. . Dear dear was like treating me a bit cold. I asked him he got miss me mah, he said I saw u liao where got miss? Den I asked again previous daz u neva see me mah, got mah?? He said "yup" lol..
Well, tats all for the day. .
** I written a note for dear's facebook. . Am still thinking how to celebrate our Valentine Day. .
Shi Qi
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Day 87
I wake up at abt 9am. . Went for my bath den to trim hair. . And I sms dear for bf but he didnt reply. Den I rang up to in law house and find out he is sleeping. . Nvm la, let him slp ba.
Nothing much to do todaz coz is already wd4. So I can go home at abt 8pm. I rang up to dear and asking him to come and fetch me can coz I only can take cab at 9pm. He said okie. . *happy*
He really send me home directly. Should I be happy in just only seeing him a while??
Time to slp now. Nitz. .
Shi Qi
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Day 86
So tire but dunno why cant slp until 2am plus. .
My poor dear work morning shift this morning and den at abt 9pm plus he still wanna go back to office for OT. Den tml he dun hav to go back again mah. . Coz tml is his off day. .
At first I tot I can meet dear dear for a while before he went for work but too late when I can go off. .
He called me when I am at home. He asked me why I still havent slp and I told him I cant get to slp and he still can asked me to watch the DVD lor. . Pengz!!
Den I asked him tml wanna go for bf together mah and he said he afraid that he cant wake up. . Want me to give him a call den. . Fine and we hang up the phone. . Me ooi ooi liao. .
Shi Qi
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Day 85
Altot dear dear hav called me but some how so miss him. .
He ytd still keep on calling me and asking me going back le mah. . He noe im not feeling well..So sweet. . But dun wanna bother him too much coz he need to work very early in the morning. .
Todaz me also need to work till abt 1am plus. . Tire le. . Dun wanna blog liao. . Nitz. .
Shi Qi
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Day 84
Todaz is closing wd 1. . Sian. . Can see my dear dear. .
Nothing much, working until very late abt 2am when I reached home. .
My dear dear work morning shift so dun wanna disturb him. . Let him sleep ba. .
Im tire too. . Nitz. .
Shi Qi
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