Wat a raining daz again..
Thursday, July 9, 2009@ 1:19 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
Thinking of where for lunch todaz.. Jo said wanna go Bugis ai mai?? Den I said okie wor even I noe go there sure shop, shop, shop and shop and of coz spending $$ again..but raining heavily sia.. Lucky it's stop raining during lunch time.. And we set off the Bugis again..
And yes.. I bought things again.. Coz Im a shopping queen mah. This is the shoes that I fancy of.. From Charles and Keith which cost me $43.90. . I luv it so much..

Feeling more and more tempin going for eyebrow embroidery. Actually had such a mind set since im young. Too lazy to draw my eyebrow daily.. Den, Kai Fang also said she wanna do it too and we shall proceed together den. Ive actually source out some shops before me go ahead with it. And finally I decided to go Toa Payoh one named Best Beauty Centre. And it cost me about $406 (after discount) plus 1 time touch up and free one $150 facial voucher. A good deal right? While I gets to check on Tampines there's one shop cost abt $420 with just one time tounch up only.
We managed to get Kailing to go with us.. Yuppi!!

This is Kai Fang.. Her turn to do it now.

This is how I look after the embroidery. We did the 3D Zi Xiu Mei.. Thats why so costly right now. I'm happy with the design and the result. But I heard that Kai fang is not tat satified of her's coz one side is much more higher den the another one. Last nitz is becoz it is still swallow and neva noticed until this morning. She was intend to get it redo but unfortunated cant do so becoz it will get infection easily. Has to wait for at least 3-4 days and den see how. Now might not be natural but in another few days times should be okie. If she still felt not right den go back to them. So sad and felt guilty of it. I tot alot of good comments given should be done fine. . Maybe it is just depends on ppl ba. But after some times in the late morning. She told me tat she is getting more and more like it. Hope so ya..
A sleepy daz cum boring. Coz Jo is on mc todaz and me gonna lunch alone..
P.S. My pix was taken by Kailing and shall wait for her to send me the pix ya. Stay tune. xoxo
Here it is..Pixs from KL..

Beautician was explaining to me of the procedures.

Wrapped up and waiting for KF to draft hers

This is AFTER
Cute mah?

Her bf sponsor her half of the cost..so envy sia.. xoxo
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