Exhumation Aunty's tomb
Tuesday, October 13, 2009@ 1:17 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
Off daz todaz.. got something to do. However, I still wake up very early in the morning.
Fetch my aunty from her house den proceed to CCK. Think is very hot daz todaz ya..

Anyway my aunty's tomb cannot located anything, only can find 5pcs of her teeth and a pcs of her dress. Should be she was still at very young age when she passed away. All are melted and merged together with the coffin. She passed away at the age of 13yrs old nia. So pity ya.
The whole process was taking us almost a daz to complete. After that we went to pray my grand parent. And also, those stuffs for praying cost about $205 for each of us.
After that, we went for car inspection for my redtimo den home sweet home.
Wat a tiring daz..
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