Update myself
Saturday, March 6, 2010@ 12:32 AM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
Alright, finally got time to do some blogging liao.
Well, I've being with Flextronics for a week liao. Quite happy over there. Times passed fast when got things to do. Altot I am still sick for the week. My coll all are very fun, kind and friendly. I really enjoying now. I felt that I've find back my life that I used to be in ML. Haha!!Okie, I've get myself a iPhone, which now Im using now for blogging.That is becoz I've Corp rate. My coy is paying for my hp allowance and of coz to get e phone at cheap rate.Not to admit that the coy welfare is pretty good. That why Im saying, I like to work with big coy. Lol!Another thing is, I've changed one of my leuturer, James. That was becoz he is giving too much stress on us, cannot tahan him. And I've choose Chor KT now. Lesson on fri. As long as no James ya. . Haha.Hubby is using my lappy to play games now. So blogging while I am free now. Abit sleepy liao.Btw, while we are back home, we saw many polices, ambulance etc surrounding at my block. Dunno wat happen. No one be able to tell us. We get afraid becoz the police go up to 12sty of my block. Which we r located at 12sty. Haha. .Hubby tot similar daiji le, he tot he Neva off the stove. Haha.
Anyway, heard from neighbour saying that one india guy offen rounding here, but dun really know wats happening.I've took 2 pix of it. But hmm I dunno why I can't upload pix le. Could be becoz I still haven't download e iTunes ba.Alright, will upload pix soon, I've tones of them. It late and I want to zzzzzz.Nitz!! Labels: :: Others ::
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