Mummy preggy 8th month
Monday, August 8, 2011@ 4:57 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
Last stage, hopefully ya.. my abdominal more and more painful. Gynea gave me a month Hospitalisation leave to have fully rest in bed. As I really cant walk anymore, will feel pain when walking..
Also, screw up in coy mgt.. really too tire of working there, hope i can get fully rest at home.. but i doubt so, somehow still will get some involve in works.. :(
8 month preggy

Hopefully bb will come out at week 37
33 Weeks 3 days

This time he is facing back on us. Very dao hor.. :p
He is pressing on my nerve, tats due to the pain.. :( But he is in a very good position for labour, his head facing down already, anytime he will be pop out..
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Zaneth 3D scan
Monday, July 11, 2011@ 5:08 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
It looks gross i know, but it fun to see bb before birth.
It is much more cheaper to scan in Parkway East den Thomson

so cute
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Mummy preggy 7th month
Tuesday, July 5, 2011@ 4:36 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
Times flew fast. Am in 7th months preggy already, also start my 3rd trimester too.. All the backaches coming to me, as well as abdominal pain.. hard for me to walk regularly.. :(
Once I am having contraction pain, could be Branxton Hicks, went for GTC monitoring and scare bb will come out pre-matual.
GTC Monitoring
They tie until so tight ya
BB must be guai guai hor, dun come out too early ya..
7 months preggy
Pix taken by his daddy
29 Weeks

29 Weeks

29 Weeks

See he is facing us le..
Oh ya, we got a name for bb already, called Zaneth. Chinese name his daddy said let chinese master to give for him based on his birth date and time..
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Mummy Preggy 6th month
Thursday, June 9, 2011@ 2:46 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
See other people preggy period was so fast.. Yes I am 6th month preggy as at now.. Tummy grow bigger again.. Haha..
I neva buy much maternity wear therefore I only have limited to wear.. Hahah..
As usual, I will have abdominal pain offen, lucky I've a good boss who allow me to work from home. But den, she will be going to tft to another segment soon.. I am losing a good boss soon..
6th months preggy
25 Weeks

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Detail Scans Result
Monday, May 16, 2011@ 5:03 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
Doing detail scan on my little monster.. He is so cute.. Show us every part of him.. Shame shame too.. Leg open big big to let us scan his birdy.. And den when we wanna scan his hand, he open his hand to let us count his figure.. So cute right?? Haha.. I can said little monster is quite corporated enough..
My coll also very cute, as little monster always kick me during nitz time, den she said, he is make in USA.. Faintz !! He is make in HK le.. :p
Well, result is fine.. Baby development is very well.. So happy.. He is everywhere in my tummy.. So active.. But glad that everythings are fine for him.. Now is waiting for him to come into our arms..

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Mummy Preggy 5th month
Tuesday, May 3, 2011@ 2:37 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
Yes, am preggy 5th months already.. Finally the MS stop coming to 2nd trimester.. Feel much beta, hopefully is honeymood period like what some frds told me ya..
Tummy grow bigger already..
5 months preggy
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Oscar Scan
Sunday, May 1, 2011@ 10:45 AM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
Great new!! Oscar scan and blood test was done on 15 Mar. Give me rest in mind. I got a very very low risk.. Yuppi !!
At first we don't intend to do this test as it's really cost me a bomb. But after got a good result, I guess the cost is nothing to us.. :)

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I'm Pregnant !!
Saturday, April 30, 2011@ 10:46 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
Yes I noe, so long didnt get to blog, and now I wanna to say, IM PREGNANT again !!
We both are so happy after half yr later of my last incident, I got pregnant again. I went to see TCM (Eu Yan Sang) for almost half a yr to tiao yang back my health. Very expense indeed but is for my own good in order to have another kid. Many ppl might tot hey, my 2 kids are so old already, we shld be having relax life now, why wanna to have another 3rd kid?? Well, of coz there's many reasons behind and both of us think this way. I'm glad to hav another little one to ac-company us for another 5 yrs.. We still can enjoy our life ya..
Well, this pregnancy of coz is not as much relax as my previous 2. My MS is supper jialat which last me almost everyday for at least 3 months. Lucky my boss is a very nice lady, she allow me to take leaves or mc offen, and some more allow me to work from home. Once I even got a week hospitalisation leaves. I couldn't imaging this coy is without her as she noes everythings abt this project.
Back to my life, we plan to hav this baby EDD in Sept 2011, same month with my 2 kids. So in another word, this baby was made in HK !! (We went to HK in Dec at that time) Such a precious to us. We are so happy den.
Glad is, hubby is so caring to me during my pregnancy. So sweet to hav such a nice hubby.. (Luv U) He take care most of the houseworks which usually were done by me.
Sometimes I may find him quite stress.. stress of financial of coz. That was becoz my MIL needs to have operation, need $$.. Therefore, I told him not to worry abt me and baby expenses, I will take care of baby expenses myself until he can handle it. This is what we called, husband and wife shld be 同甘共苦 mah.
Finally, I am officially 5 months preggy today. Take 2 times bird nest in every week started week 12. Make my both kids jealous.. Haha.. And of coz, MS is gone. Sometimes I may felt it will still come back once in a while. Baby is very active as per my gayne.. :p He turn here and there when doing scanning.. Nitz time mai slp, make me cant slp well as well. I am having backache and hip pain too.. Think this is normal.. Hub will do massage for me :p
I am thinking of getting pre and post massage lady to do massage for me... Hub agreed. CL will be intro by Junming which he stated she is good when doing for his wife. As for nanny, hmm.. still trying to neg with one of my neighbour who live downstair. She might interested to look after my prince. YES, HE IS PRINCE.. Hehe!! Hub said he want princess coz princess can be easily to take care just like my xiao bao(mei mei)
Times run kind of quite fast for 2nd trimester, unlike 1st trimester, really a terrible days for me.. another 4 months and I shall get to see my prince already.. :)
We plan to move to a bigger house, becoz of another member joining us.. and of coz to get another bigger car too. Now my FIL send me to work daily, so paiseh.. I wish I can start to drive to work in May. Hub worry that I offen feel wanna to faintz off and is danger for me to drive.
Oh ya, another good news, my buddy ah min is preggy too.. Right now shld be 4 months already.. Her EDD is 16 Oct. So happy for her too.. And also, Im not alone to clear maternity leaves.. We can bring our baby out together.. :)
Alright, shall update more offen.. Nitz nitz !!
Before ending, below are my pregnancy stage and suan bao pixs.. Enjoy !!
3months preggy

4 months preggy

6 Weeks 6 days

8 Weeks

12 Weeks 4 Days

16 Weeks 6 Days
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Rotten mouth
Friday, January 28, 2011@ 2:41 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
Some ppl like to make irresponsible comments, knwing the fact tat it will cast negative impact on receipent. Though, their comments are not entirely wrong, dont they think they got the responsibility to make positive comments, maintain neutral or fucking keep their bloody mouth shut if they dont know anything? Pls go temple or church to cleanse ur rotten soul.
Yes, I am talking about my last pregnacy.. I DID NOT abort it, IT IS MISCARRIAGED. OK!!!!
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Why?? Why?? Why??
Monday, November 22, 2010@ 12:32 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
Did I mentioned before wheneva I am unhappy, I will cut off my hair??
Yes. I cut my hair again..
Not short indeed.. That was because I will have a photoshoot soon therefore could not cut tat much.
For those ppl who noe me well should noe..
Not happy abt wat? Many many things.. Emo me, why wanna give me smile and wanna taking it away so fast? I dunno, maybe I am too sensitive, maybe I've over do it, or maybe I've take it so seriously..
Why am I hurting myself again? Which I've keep on telling myself not to...
It's came too suddenly and goes off very fast tat I dun even have times to react..
** Stitch - I miss u !! Will you miss me too when you're not with me??
I am not greedy
I just need...
that little understanding
that little attention
that little company
that little concern
that little surprise
that little care
that little dote
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Jay Chou 周杰伦大马超时代世界巡回演唱会 The Era World Tour Concert LIVE in KL, Malaysia 2011
Tuesday, October 12, 2010@ 9:38 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥

Yes, Malaysia will be in the list of concert venues in the Jay Chou’s The Era World Tour Concert [周杰伦超时代世界巡回演唱会].
It’s still a long way to go but we’re releasing the news now because we’re THAT excited! Bearing in mind that the Singapore leg of the concert for all three consecutive shows sold out within 2 hours, would you get tickets this far ahead of the concert?
The news was published on
MSN Malaysia a few days earlier and yes i know i’m lagging but finally it’s confirmed!

Well of course I guess it won’t be as awesome as the one in Taiwan with some million dollar 3D effects going on but i guess it will be a great concert to attend. The tickets of Taipei concert were
snapped up in 2 minutes where else the ones for the concert in Singapore were all sold out in 2 hours so now i wonder how fast will the tickets go off when the organizers started selling it out here in Malaysia.

Jay Chou The Era World Tour Concert 周杰伦大马超时代世界巡回演唱会
Date: 4th - 5th March 2011
Time: 8pm
Venue: Bukit Jalil Putra Indoor Stadium
Ticket can be purchase @ Five Star(M/S) @ $268 onward included tkt (2D1N)

The chances of
Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 appearing in Kuala Lumpur is like 0.05% LOL but hey who knows? Right?
Wish i could go for concert then. =X
** I've discuss with dear, he is okay with it.. Yuppi!! **
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Sat out with my babes and my loves one..
Saturday, July 10, 2010@ 11:43 PM by ♥ Shann Yang ♥
Well, I've alot of pixs and post for me to blog but I'm really lazy le.. Futhermore, I'm busy with something else now..
Today out to celebrate Ah Min and Sammi's birthday. Spent quite alot ya but im happy.. Of coz tire too.. :p
Attendance : Me, Ah Min, Xmh, Sammi, May, Nini (forgotten to take pix)
Bought this watch @ Tampines City Chain. Cost abt $117.50 after 50% discount.. I've the colour so much..

Meet Ah Min and Xmh @ Tampines den proceed together to Orchard to meet the rests..
We went to a Jap Restuarant named "Sun with Moon" @ Wheelock Place for lunch..
Our foods...

This is mine..

Food Rating : 3.5/5
After lunch, we went shopping awhile.. Till 3.30pm I went to Suntec to find my hubby..
One the way I saw this..
NDP rehearse??
To suntec for photoshoot of my business card and Flyer..
Disclosed later.. *wink*
After that proceed to Geylang for our dinner.. Hubby wanna eat steamboat..
Den we find this place ..

There's alot of choices not only steamboat.

Well organise of e foods.. Looks like more hygenic den some places

Each pax will get 100g of live prawn

Live crab.. They chop infront of us..

Abalone too


Lots of choices for u to choose

Deserts times..

Eat as much as u can..
Adult price for weekend - $17+
Child for weekend - $10+
Heard that they also provide free carpark ya
Large Stingray

Food Rating: 4/5
Okie.. I wanna slp liao.. ciao!!
Labels: :: Family ::, :: Foods ::, :: Gathering ::, :: Moduslink ::, :: NDP ::, :: Photoshoot ::
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